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The Ride Like a Kid challenge was an invitation to take goal setting a little less seriously, to have a little (or maybe a lot more) fun with your horse and your riding, and to welcome the joy of discovery and learning.

We laughed, shared old photos, dreamed of new possibilities, and chose inspiring new practices, and even sketched pictures of our horses together!

Our incredible video editor here at HorseClass, Louise, has put together a recap video of the week, highlighting some of our favorite moments for you to remember the lessons of this week.

Click below to watch the video, and enjoy!

*When putting together the following video, we wanted to bring in highlights from our community – we absolutely advocate wearing helmets, and being safe around horses – not sitting or kneeling on the ground or teaching potentially dangerous behavior – that said… we also recognize fun memories aren’t always safe memories, so we included a few more community submitted pictures than we normally would 🙂 

Reminder: Leg Up Coaching closes tonight – If you want to reach your biggest riding goals and have fun along the way, join the Coaching Club designed to get you to your riding goals, with focused monthly exercises, real-life training examples, and an incredible community of like-minded horse people.

Get the details to join here

Meet your goals while enjoying every stride of the way

Every moment matters

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Better riding in 7 days (FREE Mini Course)

Daily exercises for an immovable seat, steady hands, and a happier horse

Your information is safe with us, learn how we use and process data in our Privacy Policy.

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