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First off… I challenge you to say the title of this post 10 times fast! Ok, now to the real review!

Just before Christmas, I was contacted by Willow Mainprize, owner and founder of a company called Rocky Mountain Botanicals. She asked if I would be willing to test and review a product called Rocky Mountain Rider’s Rescue Rub. This is an all-natural pain relief cream designed by and for equestrians, “to get you back in the saddle and doing what you love…naturally.”

Of course, I was very excited to try out the rub and share it with several people I know who suffer with aches and pains. I always have a preference for natural products, especially when it is something you apply directly to your skin. Rocky Mountain Rider’s Rub has active ingredients MSM and Arnica, along with several pure essential oils, and herbs seabuckthorn and chamomile.

My first impression when I received the first jar and opened it up was that the stuff smells great! I would give the essential oils in the product, especially the peppermint oil and tea tree oil, credit for giving it a wonderful aroma. But each ingredient in the list of essential oils in Rider’s Rescue Rub is also known for a powerful effect of reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

The two main ingredients in this product, MSM and Arnica, are each recognized for their own beneficial properties as well. MSM or methylsulfunylmethane occurs naturally in the cells of all plants and animals. MSM acts as a carrier, allowing nutrients to flow into cells, and combining with toxins to help remove them from tissue. MSM has been shown to increase elasticity and flexibility in muscles and tendons, while reducing swelling and inflammation. Arnica is a flowering plant well known for its medicinal purposes, and is used to treat inflammation and swelling, sprains, bruises, joint pain, and muscle aches.

So with all these exciting natural ingredients, how well did Rocky Mountain Rider’s Rescue Rub work? Quite well according to myself and my testers! The timing of Rescue Rub’s arrival on my doorstep was nearly perfect, because when Willow first contacted me, I thought I may have to rely on the results of my testers, as I am lucky enough to not have a lot of pain (unless I happen to get dumped off a horse). However, I had just started running regularly and my calves in particular had become very tight and sore. When I got out of bed in the morning, or if I would get up after sitting for a while, I was hobbling around on my toes until the muscles stretched out. So I started putting the Rescue Rub on my calves each morning and to my delight, I found that the ache diminished and my muscles were not tightening nearly as much. Just to see if it was really the rub that was making the difference, I skipped a day and sure enough, that tightness came right back.

My two testers tried out the product for joint pain and arthritis. Both experience knee pain and one had recently broken his ankle. The other has arthritis pain in her hands and fingers. The tester with the knee pain and the broken ankle noticed the biggest difference. He said the pain and stiffness, especially in his knee, decreased noticeably after using the rub. My other tester also said her knee felt better as well, although she felt that it took a few applications of the rub before noticing a difference. The arthritis in her hands did not seem to be affected. Everyone agreed that Rider’s Rescue Rub has a wonderful aroma and a pleasant sensation when you apply it.

So the conclusion of our review at Happy Horse is that Rocky Mountain Rider’s Rescue Rub is a great product, we have found it to be effective and love the fact that it uses all natural ingredients! You can learn more about Rider’s Rescue Rub and order some for yourself with the following link:

Rider’s Rescue Rub Giveaway!

Now to the best part! Rocky Mountain Botanicals wants to gift a 60 ml jar of Rider’s Rescue Rub to one sore reader! To enter the contest, send an email to [email protected] with a brief story of your biggest riding mishap and why you want to try Rider’s Rescue Rub! The winner will be announced February 7th, and a jar of Rescue Rub will be shipped to your doorstep! I can’t wait to read your stories!



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3 Responses

  1. just got a new horse took him out to our riding club to play around with get him use to new surroundings. had a great time with him.until i went to get on then i wasn’t even in the saddle properly when he bucked all the way down the arena i went off about half it the ground wind knocked out of me cracked my helmet from back to front .thankfuly my daughter was in the other arena .took horse to stall and went to hospital nothing broken just very sore doc said would have been a lot worse out come if i hadn’t been whereing my helmet .found out after having this horse for awhile that he was an awesome trail horse . but in an arena he became the biggest jerk .so sold him to a nice lady who just wanted a good trail horse and he has been great for her .i have a new arena horse and she is wonderful.

    1. Sheila;
      So sorry about your accident. At age 69 my “Mantra” these days is Ground work, ground work, ground work! “The more times you hit the dirt, the better your ground work gets” a quote by famed Aussie horseman, Clinton Anderson. And by ground work he doesn’t mean “mindless longeing circles”. Engage the horse’s mind while exercising his body…do lots of changes of directions, and speed transitions. More advanced skills include lateral work, rollbacks at the end of the longe line, backing the horse and my personal favorite, “circle driving” to mention a few. This gets the horse listening to you and focused totally on you because you will keep him engaged with such a wide variety of choices. It will keep him guessing as to what will come next?…and That’s what’s going to keep him attentive! When a horse realizes you are the leader in his herd of 2, he most likely won’t try any shenanigans when you mount up. He also sounds like he had a bad habit of moving off before the rider was completely on. A serious training issue that should have been addressed before hand…but it’s hindsight now. Glad you were not badly injured and good to hear you were helmeted! I’m VERY Happy to hear you have a wonderful horse you can enjoy!

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