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Improve Your Ridinf

Before I share this week’s video with you, I want to make sure you have heard about my Free Your 2022 Riding Roadmap Seminar coming up next week on Thursday, January 13, at 5pm ET! 

Registration is open now for the seminar, just click here. 

During these 90 minutes together, we will work together to not just set goals or resolutions, but to help you uncover what is most important to you, what has held you back in the past that you can let go of, and what your path to riding success looks like this year! 

I will share how my own process of goal setting and planning has shifted and there will be plenty of time to ask questions and get feedback. 

Again, you can register here for this Free Seminar. 

Today, I have an exercise that you can do anytime, anywhere, to feel calm, peaceful, and to create the space for connection with your horse. 

This exercise is perfect for leaving behind the stress of a busy day and being completely present with your horse, to truly enjoy each moment of your ride. 

Click play below to follow along and learn this simple, but super important exercise. 

See you in the comments! 



Bring fun and purpose to every ride

with my Book - Stay in the Saddle - 67 Exercises for Horse and Rider

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Better riding in 7 days (FREE Mini Course)

Daily exercises for an immovable seat, steady hands, and a happier horse

Your information is safe with us, learn how we use and process data in our Privacy Policy.

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4 Responses

    1. I signed up for the free clinic 1/13/22 I was not able to tune in,, can I still see it? Thank You in advance..

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