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We all know it – if you are going to ride you are going to fall off. At some point it will happen, but we still do our best to avoid it! The bottom line is that it takes good balance and experience riding to stay on when a horse is really acting up, but even if you are a newbie there are some pointers that – if you can keep your head clear and remember them – will help you out a lot. Click play to find out how to stay on when your horse freaks out!

Do you have any fun horse freak out stories to share? How did you stay on….or didn’t you? Tell us in the comments!


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5 Responses

  1. Loved both the video on transitions to canter & pointers to make that happen smoothly. Loved the thought of counting 1,2,1, & then 1,2, 3 1,2,3 Gonna try that tomorrow .
    I also like the one rein stop but if they are already in a buck, will that work? How do you stop from continuing & not tense up.

  2. Just a few days ago I was riding on a very windy day and knew I was probably going to have a problem. Congo is a spooky guy anyway and at 17.3 is tough to maneuver when he leaps to one side and tried to take off. Well he did just that and I did lose my seat for a few seconds and remembered the one rein pull around and was glad I could recall this technique. I forced myself to continue riding but just for a few minutes as the wind was gusting so bad.
    I’m 65 and really don’t want to hit the ground from that high! Thank you for this tip as I feel it saved my confidence and my butt from hitting the dirt.

  3. I don’t have many lessons these days but do vaguely remember instructors in the past shouting “sit up” if I looked like I might be getting into difficulties
    Recently whilst training a horse that was playing up an instructor tried to support me by calling amongst other words of advice “look up “ this I found to be very useful because I focussed on this at just the right moment and I feel that this automatically strengthened my position in the saddle in a good way without any bracing and possibly saved me from my first spill in ten years …no one had ever said that to me before and in my opinion that was a much more helpful prompt than sit up …it certainly worked on this occasion because it seemed to stop the horse from its intent on being rather silly for long enough for me up re gain control of the situation
    Hope this works for others

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