Real quick as I don’t want to interrupt your holiday celebrations… but I have a fun video for you to celebrate this day of being grateful!

I was going through some old archives this past week and I found a video from three years ago today, it was cold and snowy but I went for a ride with my helmet cam to share a quick message for you, and watching it again spurred an idea…

Watch the video below and then join in with your comment!

p.s. If you are starting to think about holiday shopping, here’s some ideas for your list:

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88 Responses

  1. I’m thankful and grateful for, besides these fantastic courses I’m taking here at CRK, that I have an awesome lesson instructor and barn. I’m 53, and new to riding, and had some trepidation, but my barn and everyone there has been super supportive, helpful and nice. Learning to ride has been life changing.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all at CRK Training!!

  2. Hi, Callie! Thanks so much for sending this video. I’m so thankful that my horse and I have gotten back to a place in our lives where we’re buddies again. I’m so grateful for your calm and confident rider program and how it showed me a path forward to leave my anxiety behind.

    I hope you’re having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. I’m thankful everyday for so many things, family and friends. I’m also very thankful for the prescious moments since retirement that I have to share with my horses and for all the horsey people I’ve met here on Facebook. Also for you Callie at CRK Training. Thanks for helping us all enjoying riding more and more day by day one video at a time. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

  4. I’m thankful for all the changes horses caused in my life and for your, Callie, presence in my adventure with horses. Thank you!

  5. Congrats on your beautiful indoor!
    I’m so grateful to have one where I board, too!
    I’m thankful to have so many great people and pets in my life that I love.
    Thank you for all your teaching this year.

  6. I’m thankful for my husband and family and for being so lucky to have all my dreams come true. As a young girl. I always was fascinated by horses, but, never even imagined I would one day own, love and learn from one of these amazing animals.

  7. We are thankful for an amazing daughter…for all the work that she does, and the enjoyment that she gets from doing it! Also for Julia (the barn manager), and all the gals Callie has working on the daily barn chores. It is always pleasant seeing them go about their days cheerfully. Wishing you all a thankful Thanksgiving!

  8. I am thankful that God has allowed me to realize my horse passion and that I have been blessed with a super family that is supportive. I am also thankful to you, Callie, and all the other horsemanship resources that are continually helping me improve my riding and horsemanship everyday. I am thankful for my horses and all my pets that enhance my life.

  9. Thanks for the video Callie. I am grateful for my life and all of the experi3nces I have had. I am grateful for technology so that folks here and wide can connect, learn and develop relationships by sharing love and passion of our hobbies. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Callie and Julia!!
    It was so nice to see you both in this video. It has been a busy year for me as we moved to Montana from Pennsylvania. Fortunately, through you and your network I was able to find a wonderful riding instructor here in Bozeman. I am very thankful for good health which enables me to ride and work with horses, a supportive spouse and my new horse Captain!! We are starting a new adventure so it is great to be part of this wonderful community. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

  11. Hi Callie,
    I am so thankful for my family, and friends, and for the opportunity I have been given at my age to learn to ride….one thing off of my bucket list. Thank you for your inspirational message to all. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am thankful to have the opportunity to be taking lessons and being able to ride at my age. (64) I appreciate your videos and your positive encouragement at every step.
    Happy Holiday to you and your family .

  13. Thankful to Callie and her equine wisdom. Have learnt so much. Thankful that we have horses in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving everyone x

  14. I have SO many things to be thankful for. I guess I’m thankful for the love I have for horses, because of that love I have made many friends that feel the same way I do. Plus I’m thankful for my Haflinger gelding “Classy” he’s everything to me!

    1. I’m feeling much the same, Vickie. I’m thankful for my time with Happy and the new friends I made this year. Horses are special creatures. Each with their own personality and talent that they share with us.

  15. The wonderful smell of Mr Brown, who I laid my head against tonight, our most special pony for the Riding for the Disabled kids I worked with today.

  16. I am thankful for today in Tennessee, I got to ride in lovely sunshine with my wife and our horse Santana. It was glorious!

  17. I’m thankful that my relationship with my leased horse has gotten to the point where he “caught” me when I was falling off. I was riding bareback, got distracted and was sliding off his side when my instructor saw him shift his hindquarters underneath me and helped me get my balance back. All the good advice and training from Callie and all the commenters helped bring me to this place. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Hi Callie
    I am just simply thankful that I came across your website as I have learned so much from so far in such a short space of time just by watching your videos. When I visit my daughter in Toronto next I hope to book some lessons with you on route from the UK.

    Manchester UK

  19. Hi Callie and team,
    Happy Thanksgiving from Australia!

    I am thankful for still being here after a bad riding accident earlier this year. But I am also thankful for discovering your website during my recouperation! I love it!

  20. Hi Callie and team,
    Happy Thanksgiving from Australia!

    I am thankful for still being here after a bad riding accident earlier this year. But I am also thankful for discovering your website during my recouperation! I love it!

  21. I am thankful for my husband and my horses and all my other animals. I am also thankful for my family and my health.
    I am also thankful that I found your youtube videos several years ago which lead to my participation in the courses that you offer. I have learned so much and I am thankful that you choses to share your riding knowledge with us all.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


  22. I am thankful that I found Callie King 3 years ago (by some accidental link on the internet). I was just starting my journey with my very first horse Thor. You have inspired and encourage me to be brave and go forth safely. You gave me an understanding of horsemanship. Your special deep dives into horse health have been priceless. I have learn so much from you and I am forever grateful. I am also thankful for Julia (congratulations on your wedding!) who is the best videographer and computer geek . We could not learn without you.
    Lastly, I am thankful to God and my husband, that gave me the opportunity to finally have my own horse.

    1. Hi Jackie,
      I am so thankful that you did click that link! You have been a very important part of our community for years now, glad to have you here!

  23. Hi Callie,
    I’m fairly new to your website, probably since October.
    I started taking riding lessons in September, but have ridden off/on through my life and worked in hippotherapy at a farm providing therapeutic riding.
    I could walk, trot and even canter with very basic skill.
    I was drawn to your site because of your way of explaining things and quickly found that you follow Wendy Murdock. Wendy and I first met at Sebastian riding associates at a clinic and then were in the Feldenkrais training together and I love her way and of course as a fellow Feldie, her method makes sense to me.
    I am thankful for all of the information you share so freely and look forward to what you have to offer each week. It has really helped me with my current lessons.

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Eileen,
      Welcome to the site and to our community! So glad you know Wendy and honored to have you here as a Feldenkrais practitioner – that is great work!

  24. I am so thankful for my farm and horses. And I am grateful for the world wide web, so that I can connect with horsewomen like Callie!

  25. I am thankful for each day. I feel happy about everything in my life. This includes my husband, my brothers and sisters, my nieces and nephews . I look forward to going to work at a great company and after work I go for horseback lessons or to ride my leased horse. I’m thankful for the CRK on line lessons. Callie & Julia, you are obviously caring , organized and knowledgeable horsewoman. I have learned so much and appreciate the detail you have put into the lessons and weekly live calls. Well done!!! Thank you so much. I wish everyone safe and holidays.

  26. I am thankful for you, Callie and the ability to connect and learn so much even sitting at my computer watching your helpful videos! I am thankful I was able to come up and attend one of your clinics a year ago and look forward to coming again soon.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Allison Bryant

    1. It was a pleasure to meet you and have you at the event last year Allison! I hope all is well with you and your horses and I look forward to seeing you again soon too!

  27. How can a 68 yr young brand new horsewoman, express eternal gratitude to have stumbled upon some of your videos a couple of years ago when the idea of owning any horse, let alone getting on one, was just an image in my mind. Your calm demeanor, intelligent approach and thoughtful, caring instructions provided hope and inspiration that I could actually follow a dream that was possible for the 1st time in my life. You are a priceless resource. May you continue to inspire riders of all ages for a long time to come! Happy Thanksgiving Callie.

  28. Thank you Callie for making this inspiring Thanksgiving video to help remind us all how important it is to have an attitude of gratitude!!!
    I’m thankful for the horse journey I have been on these past few years and the support from my husband to embrace the incredible gift it has been.
    You truly have the gift of teaching. And you do it with passionately and sincerely. Many blessings to you and your team at CRK. Thank you for caring about those of us equestrians all over the world that you most likely will never get the opportunity to meet yet you treat each of us as if we were right there in your presence.
    Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Thank you Theresa! I’m so glad to have you as part of the community. It is amazing how technology can connect us!

  29. I am thankful for my life and all the opportunuties, blessings and loved ones that have graced my world. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Callie. Let’s all keep doing what we love!

  30. Just finished Thanksgiving dinner, and relaxing with my husband, our daughter, and her fiancé. The announcement of their engagement was recent; and such an exciting time in our lives. I am so grateful my 93 year old Mom was here this evening.
    I’m grateful for my equestrian friends; and all of our horses. We are so lucky to have each other.
    Thank you Callie for all the the time and caring you have put into our course, the articles, the Q and A’s., and videos.
    I’m grateful for learning so much; with so much to learn in the future.

  31. I am grateful for my wonderful family, both those who gathered at our table today, and those who celebrated in other places. I’m especially grateful for my fifteen month old granddaughter who has brought so much joy into our lives. I’m grateful also for friends, including my equestrian friends at Honeybrook stables. If it were not for CRK training and these wonderfully informative videos, I would never have found the stable or had the privilege of taking lessons from Callie.

  32. I am grateful I was able to share a day of thanks with my family and pets. I am especially thankful Roxanne, our Akita, was able to share another good day with us. I am so aware of the special moments and how few and precious they are. Finding Callie and the family here at CRK has completely changed my world in horses. I will forever feel that was fated to be. I am finally able to bring my worlds together of teaching, learning and horses. I believe its only a matter of time until the majority of horseman everywhere are enlightened by CRK Training and Affiliates. THANK YOU !

  33. Hi Callie, Happy Thanksgiving!! I am so excited to share the progress I made just this past week. I can now take Lady Bug out riding solo!! This is a milestone I thought would take much longer to reach. I am so thankful for all the support I received from being in the balanced rider program. And I am especially thankful for all the trail riders in my community that have been so kind, supportive and generous with their time & knowledge. Living the dream!

  34. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I’m thankful for being born in the USA. I’m thankful for my family both human and fuzzy. I’m thankful for being healthy and happy.
    Thanks for all you do for the horse world, Callie.

  35. I am a new volunteer at an adaptive riding center here in California. And at almost 71yrs old I am now taking riding lessons! It has been over fifty years since I was on a horse. I am grateful for this opportunity to learn and for expanding my world into the equestrian world. For the joy I experience and the healing I observe! And I am especially grateful to you Callie for all of the videos you offer so generously! They have been more helpful than I can even describe!

    1. Stephanie, you, and the other riders like you here – starting riding in your 60s, 70s, and above – are an inspiration to me! I am glad that I was fortunate enough to start riding young, but there is always so much to do and learn – I have plenty of time, lol!

  36. Hi Callie, although we don’t have Thanksgiving in the UK, I’d like to join in by thanking you for being such an inspiration. I take your serenity, positivity, down-to-earth advice and demonstrations in my head and heart when I ride and try hard to reflect them. I’ll never underestimate the time and careful thought that you put into your videos (thanks to the internet!) – my dream… to visit your stables! Daily, I’m thankful for my family and good health – not forgetting my chihuahua and terrier! I wish you and the CRK team health, happiness and continuing success.

  37. I’m thankful that I really got the chance to go to cloister retreat this summer, and that these days have had such a positive impact on my life, in very different aspects (concerning horses included 😉 ). Oh, and I’m thankful as well to myself that I dared to do this retreat even though I was terribly nervous about not knowing what was going to happen.
    Well, and of course I’m thankful, Callie, that you made me personally think about this at all! <3

  38. There are sooo many things I am thankful for, among them: that at my age, 68, I am able to fulfill a long-forgotten dream to be around horses for the first time in my life, and on a weekly basis; that after a few summers of trial and error, I’ve found an experienced instructor and that we communicate well together. The joy, peace and everything there is to learn from horses is an added bonus.

  39. I am thankful for peace and safety in our country; for the good health my entire extended family enjoys and for you, Callie in your heart to enhance my enjoyment of horsemanship and riding. I wish I could be at your farm one day to participate in Your classes. THis is the next best thing, though. I hope you continue to do what you are doing for a long long time !!! Happy Thanksgiving !

  40. Dearest Callie and your magnificent team, I’m thankful that I am in your life and you are in mine. You bring tiny distinctions that improve my riding and my understanding of being a rider and my perception of awareness of my horse and our partnership. These distinctions have brought about beautiful changes of my riding and equestrian practices. I am thankful for my family and friends ,for all the animals and especially my horses who are the best teachers on what it is to be human. I loved attending the Wendy Murdoch clinic and hope to be a regular attendee – for you indeed provide some magnificent learning experiences. All the best Callie thank you thank you

  41. I am thankful for everyday the Lord gives me with a roof over my head and food in my belly. I am grateful for the ability to ride and now sharing that with my husband and our horses, Wildfire and Chabo. I’m grateful to Callie and Scottie, 2 very knowledgeable horsewomen who have enlightened me with their knowledge and who I’m sure will continue to inspire me and teach me. I’m grateful as well for all the friends I have through my barn family.

  42. Hello Callie,

    I wish You a very happy Thanksgiving!!
    I want to say thank You so much for Your weekly videos!! I´m REALLY greatful for them! You are always so reflected, thoughtfull and with a positive attitude-towards riding tasks also as to make the horse a trustable friend! What I´m very thankful for is, when the horse sees You as a friend and trusts and respects You. Even though it´s always hard work to make the horse feel save around You and because of You, so that You can feel save with him, too. I´m always grateful for little moments or a riding lesson when You see and feel that he cares and there is understanding.

    Here in Germany we don´t celebrate Thanksgiving-unfortunaly:-(
    So please have a piece of pumpkinpie for me, too 🙂

    Kind regards from Cologne Germany,

    PS: Your topics are always so interesting, I wish I had the time to comment more! At the moment I read a book about clicker-training. So interesting! …so I guess that´s another thing I´m grateful for: to have the oppurtunity to read great books and to be able to educate myself. 🙂

  43. I am very thankful for my good health and my horse’s good heatlh! Also, thankful for you, Callie, who shares her heart and soul with like-minded horse people. Happy Thanksgiving!

  44. Happy Thanksgiving Callie and Team! I am very thankful for a very long list of things in my life, but most recently, it has been the opportunity to realize a childhood dream of mine…learning how to ride! For the past 2 months I have been supplementing my hands on training with all your videos and words of wisdom Callie. I have learned so much from you already and your teachings have made me a safer, more conscious beginner rider which i am extremely grateful for! Keep up the great work!

  45. Hi Callie, not sure my first reply went through.

    I am very thankful for my family,and friends and to have been given the opportunity to learn to ride at my age. Thank you for your message. You are such an inspiration. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day.

  46. Hi, Callie! I’m thankful for, like everyone, family and friends. I’m thankful that at this age I still have my health, while others my age are gone. I’m thankful that, though I’m not good at it, I can still get on my daughter’s horse and ride him. And I’m thankful for my daughter’s horse and our dog, who is well loved by one and all for her quiet loyalty to one and all family members. And I’m thankful for both my parents (both deceased), who gave us Thanksgivings to be grateful for. In short, I’m thankful for all I have and all I know.

  47. Thankful for my mental and physical health which is actually getting better with age. At 64 I finally have a good trail horse and a husband to that supports my riding. While I can’t retire yet I do have a great job and am thankful for the benefits it provides. Also thankful my mom is still alive and well and living close to me. I don’t have a lot of extra time so thankful for the wonderful clinicians that make their educational info available online. Happy thanksgiving everyone.

  48. I am thankful for the incredible journey that I am experiencing and have been experiencing over the years. I am most grateful for the comradery and sisterhood that I have gained from Sonoma Equine Rescue Rehab & Adoption (SERRA) and for CRK for the training videos that I discovered just weeks ago. It warms my heart to see that a strong foundation has been set for natural horsemanship, where horses will finally be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve for generations to come.

  49. Hi Callie,
    Thank you for your insight on forming a safe positive relationship with our horses. Both rider and horse learn and advance in a safe and productive way. Happy Holidays and Happy Riding!!

  50. I am so thankful to have a horse again after many years of not being able to find a boarding facility I could afford (so I am thankful to the owners of the farm), thankful for all the learning opportunities my horse has given me, and for people like you, Callie, that help so many to learn how to have a better relationship with horses. So thankful for horses, all of them 😉

  51. Hi, I’m thankful for getting into horses at such a late stage in my life and loving it. Have two older horses that I’m grateful for and who I’m teaching things to and their teaching me things. Thanks to Callie and all her videos that I just love watching and learning from. No better connection than with a horse. Loving the ride. 🙂

  52. I’m thankful to the universe for enabling me to understand that I learn from everyone and everything, that we’re all connected and that we’re here to love and be happy. And I’m so very thankful to Callie for her willingness to share amazing insights as my lifelong connection with animals has finally led to horses. It’s just beginning but can’t wait to see where it goes. Many thanks once again and happy holidays!

  53. I’m thankful for still being able to ride as an older woman and to have found Callie and Honey Brook Stables to guide me in my future years of riding. Julia, and all the barn staff are terrific. My boy, Bailey, has never been happier. I know he’s VERY thankful for Honey Brook Stables!

  54. Wow!!! another “Note of Thanks”…
    to learn via these comments that I’m not alone (nor crazy!) in my desire to own & care for a horse & to take up riding for the very 1st time at my “young” age. That the dream became a reality 10 mos ago via what we thought would be a “pasture-only horse” – a throw away Paso Fino, lost in a kill-pen with no papers or history, a swollen knee & 100+ lbs underweight – has been like opening a fantastic, surprise Christmas present! Once he was rehabilitated, we had him evaluated and put through refresher training for 8 weeks. He never ceases to amaze in his desire to become all he can be – enabling me to begin my riding lessons on him with the ultimate goal of trail riding. What a testament to these amazing creatures and the life lessons they can teach us!

    A couple of years ago when I was 1st entertaining the idea, Callie posted a very helpful video addressing some of the differences in the way older students learn and other specific concerns. Maybe one day we can form a unique group to share our stories with the hope it inspires young people to never stop pursuing the desires of the heart. Best wishes to each one of you and maybe one day we will meet at one of Callie’s events!

    1. Sign me up, Judy! I’m 66 and (try to) ride my daughter’s horse while she’s been away at college. I would love to be able to ride into my 90s! Marilyn

  55. Loved the video, Callie! I’m so thankful for finally being able to buy my first horse at age 61, and I’m grateful for having found your Balanced Riding Course several years ago. Your thoughtful, clear, and encouraging videos and responses to my questions have really helped in my journey with horses! Hope everyone on your team had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and hope to join you for a training in the future.
    Shelley Green

  56. I am grateful for finally being able to own my own horse. She teachers me so much and I know she has more to teach me.We just got a new indoor arena grateful I can now work with Pep all winter. Grateful for my job that supports me my cat and horse. Also grateful my home and heat.

  57. I am thankful for the full and happy life I have with my family, my animals and my work colleagues. I am also thankful, as a first time horse owner at 50 years of age, for the knowledge I gain every time I watch one of Callie’s videos. 🙂

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