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Riding Through the Years

A Free Series with Andrea Wady

Video 1

Do You Trust Your Gut?

Discover the profound bond between rider and horse as we delve into the intuitive communication and trust that underpins successful horse ride training.

Coming November 3

Video 2

Staying Safe as an Older Rider

Discover the profound bond between rider and horse as we delve into the intuitive communication and trust that underpins successful horse ride training.

Coming November 3

Video 3

The Formula In Action

Discover the profound bond between rider and horse as we delve into the intuitive communication and trust that underpins successful horse ride training.

Coming November 6

Enrollment for WISE Riders Club Opens November 7 - 14

  • Connect to Like-Minded Riders from Around the World
  • 12 Monthly Webinars
  • Dedicated Private Facebook Group
  • Personal Learning Pathways

Coming Soon!