Learn how to connect with your animals in a completely new way.
Begin this beautiful journey by learning to enhance your own life’s energy and that of others with Reiki, (pronounced ray-key). Reiki energy attunes us to its pure loving light that flows infinitely to us and through us, guiding our lives towards greater joy and connection.
The next powerful step becomes when we learn to share Reiki with our animals. In sharing this beautiful energy of pure love, we form a bond that moves beyond the human-animal connection to become heart to heart, soul to soul. It becomes a deeply healing experience for the student between them and the animal kingdom. Learn to connect with your animals in a completely new way.
Join Rose O’Connor, Reiki Master teacher, as she guides you along this beautiful journey with your animals.
Note you do need to have taken Reiki Level One and Two (prerequisite to Animal Reiki) Please contact Rose with questions.