Think for a moment about how you feel moving.

Simple movement – walking around, picking stuff up, light exercise.

What are the words going through your mind right now? Are they positive? Do you see yourself moving gracefully and beautifully, or did some less-than-desirable adjectives come to mind in your self-talk?

How about when it comes to your riding? How do you think about yourself as a rider?

Stay with me here, because what I have for you in this new video is not a quick tip about where to put your leg or how to hold the reins, but it is far more important.

In today’s video, I invite you to join me in a simple exercise to explore the impact of our thoughts on our movement.

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Better riding in 7 days (FREE Mini Course)

Daily exercises for an immovable seat, steady hands, and a happier horse

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24 Responses

  1. I have a pain in my right knee from an old injury; I feel this when I walk and especially when I go down stairs. I feel it when I start to ride but soon forget it. I feel it again when I dismount, especially when I do rising trot. I want to become unaware of this pain at all times.

  2. I have taken this course and it was transformational for me. My 2 words were relax and supple. I think of these words or say them out loud when I am riding for each ride now. This is so valuable as a rider to keep me focused and breathing evenly. Since I took this course in the winter, the classes even improved my cross country skiing technique. Well worth the investment in all walks of life!

  3. in the beginning I feel stiff and tense. my feet are tender and my hips and shoulders are braced.
    2 words came to mind for me, supple and graceful.

    1. Hello Joyce,
      It really does make a difference and glad that you were able to see it too.

  4. My word was relaxed. After I thought about my word, I slowed down and I felt more relaxed, and noticed that I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I even felt relaxed! Great exercise! Thank you!

    1. Hello Karen,
      It really does make a difference and glad that you were able to see it too.

  5. Knee pain due to arthritis,do exercises to strengthen muscles surrounding knee
    Feel stiff until we have done some walking and exercise in the arena

  6. my movement on foot generated the expression ‘stiff & square’, the feeling I wanted to feel was ‘light & easy’..and to my surprise I was feeling a bit lighter and easier with that in my head.
    Thank you, Callie…I’ll try it on horseback next time. 😃

    1. Hello Gabi,
      It really does make a difference and glad that you were able to see it too.
      Let us know how it works for you when you are riding as well

  7. Ease and flow. I think not only translates to riding but to life, perhaps doing a task, having a conversation.

  8. Returning to riding after 46 years and at 3/4 of a century old, my words are enjoy and patience. Patience because my skill building will take time and enjoy the process.

  9. When I started the walking exercise, my words were stiff and awkward …. But my ending words were graceful and smooth. It can’t wait to try it when I ride tomorrow! Thank you.

  10. Started with ‘choppy’ and ‘stiff’. New words are ‘fluid’ and ‘light’. Yes, it made a difference in both walking and breathing. I will try my new words while riding.

  11. When i started my words for walking were, achy stiff and sore. Changing the thought pattern to gliding light and fluid helped alot.

  12. This is an excellent warm up for any activity! I will try it first thing in the morning and before riding of course. Getting your mind in the right place so that your body can respond. My two words are balanced and light.

  13. when I started I felt stiff and sore. my word was “loose”. when I thought it I heard a deep sigh and began to relax. Simple and effective. Thank you.

  14. Hi Callie,
    I’ve been enjoying so much of what you have to offer. Thank you!
    For this video, my word that I thought of was agile. As I walked with that word, I did feel lighter. I will try to keep that with me when I ride later today.

  15. Have physical difficulties with hips, original words – stiff & jerky, the new word ‘effortless’ My breathing did improve, maybe little less stiff although could be wishful thinking 🙂

  16. I went from sloppy to light. Sloppy is more of an every day thing. I hope I don’t ride that way. I also thought of easier. That was insightful to apply those words to riding, trying to think of easier and lighter while riding.

  17. Relax, flow and breathe.

    I think alot of times when things do not go the way I think they should go or my. horses is. not listening. I forget to think relax, go with the flow and breathe.
    Sometimes I just tense up, stop breathing and then get frustrated. I will try this today. I can see how the power of thought can change alot of things. I have relaxed In the past and everything was fine. but the minute I tense up it’s all over. My horse reacts, and it feels like a fight to get her to listen. Great exercise. I just need to remind myself this..

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